Woodley School and College

Dog Kennel Bank, Huddersfield, HD5 8JE


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  3. Equality And Diversity

Equality and Diversity

Equality of opportunity at Woodley School and College is based on the following core values:





The schools vision :

 'Committed to improving the Quality of Life for everyone in our school community'

Supports the ethos of equality  and Diversity and the development of self-respect and self-esteem in all pupils, staff and the community it serves. We place a high value on diversity and treat every member of the school as an individual. In this respect, we aim to meet the needs of all, taking account of gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, sexual orientation, age, ability, disability and social circumstances. All staff are aware of the need for the curriculum to reflect cultural diversity and of the need to prepare pupils for life in a diverse society. Woodley is opposed to all forms of prejudice and discrimination.


The school is committed to promoting the welfare and equality of all its staff, pupils and other members of the school community. To achieve this, the school has established the following objectives:


  • To continue to ensure a fit for purpose, personalised curriculum is in place for all learners, informed by meaningful research, assessment for learning, and enhanced through collaboration
  • To work collaboratively with health providers to ensure the most effective health support is provided for all our pupils
  • To ensure excellent communication of learning priorities with pupils and parents, supporting parental involvement with their child’s learning
  • To continue to develop our inclusive culture and Rights Respecting School ethos; diversity, pupil voice, leadership & character education to ensure pupils feel supported and take ownership of and responsibility for their learning
  • Further develop our whole school focus on Wellbeing and Mental Health for all staff and learners
  • To continue to ensure effective and robust safeguarding processes are in place across school


For further information about the schools Equality and Diversity Policy follow this link: 

**** E & D Policy *****

Equality impact assessment Woodley

